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eSign Disclosure

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Consumer Disclosure Regarding Conducting Business Electronically, Receiving Electronic Notices and Disclosures, and Signing Documents Electronically

Please read the following information. By proceeding forward and signing this document you are agreeing that you have reviewed the following consumer disclosure information and consent to transact business using electronic communications, to receive notices and disclosures electronically, and to utilize electronic signatures in lieu of using paper documents. This electronic signature service is provided on behalf of Park Bank whom are sending electronic documents, notices, disclosures or requesting electronic signatures to you.

You are not required to receive notices and disclosures or sign documents electronically. If you prefer not to do so, you may request to receive paper copies and withdraw your consent at any time as described below.

Paper Copies

You are not required to receive notices or disclosures or sign documents electronically and may request paper copies of documents or disclosures if you prefer to do so. You also have the ability to download and print any open or signed documents sent to you through the electronic signature service using the PDF and Print icons. Adobe may also email you a PDF copy of all agreements you sign using the electronic signature service. If you wish to receive paper copies in lieu of electronic documents you may close this web browser and request paper copies from Park Bank by following the procedures outlined below. Park Bank does not charge a fee for paper copies.

Use of the Service requires a standards-compliant web-browser which supports the HTTPS protocol, HTML, and cookies. Viewing PDF documents requiring additional software such as Adobe Reader or similar.

Withdrawal of Consent

You may withdraw your consent to receive electronic documents, notices or disclosures at any time. In order to withdraw consent you must notify Park Bank that you wish to withdraw consent and to provide your future documents, notices, and disclosures in paper format. After withdrawing consent, if at any point in the future you proceed forward and utilize the electronic signature system, you are once again consenting to receive notices, disclosures, or documents electronically. You may withdraw consent to receive electronic notices and disclosures and optionally electronic signatures by following the procedures described below.

Scope of Consent

You agree to receive electronic notices, disclosures, and electronic signature documents with all related and identified documents and disclosures provided over the course of your relationship with Park Bank. You may at any point withdraw your consent by following the procedures described below.

Requesting Paper Copies, Withdrawing Consent, and Updating Contact Information

You have the ability to download and print any documents we send to you through the electronic signature system. To request paper copies of documents, withdraw consent to conduct business electronically and receive documents, notices, or disclosures electronically or sign documents electronically please contact Park Bank by one of the following methods: 

  • Telephone: 608.278.2801
  • Postal Mail: Attn: At Your Service, PO Box 8969 Madison, WI 53708 
  • Email:

In your communication, use one of the following subjects:

“Requesting Paper Copies” - Please provide your name, email, telephone number, postal address, and document title.
“Withdraw Consent” - Please provide your name, email, date, telephone number, and postal address.
“Update Contact Information” - Please provide your name, email, telephone number, and postal address.

Park Bank will not charge any fees for providing paper copies.


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